What Features are Best for Free PC Cleaner Software and How Should You be Using Them?
If you're going to download free PC cleaner software, you want to make sure it has the features and capabilities to help you. What's the point in downloading software that can't do what you need it to? It's a smart idea to thoroughly evaluate any software you're planning to download, to make sure it's chock-full of helpful features.
Even more important than downloading feature-rich free PC cleaner software is knowing how to best use your software to keep your PC fully optimized. Putting the right features to work in the right capacity is a recipe for success in speeding up your PC and keeping your data protected.

Here's an overview of some essential free PC cleaner software features to keep a lookout for and how to best put them to work for your benefit.
Registry cleaning
Your PC registry is one area of your operating system to stay away from. Messing around in here could cause all sorts of problems for your computer if you accidentally move or delete a critical file. Unfortunately, your registry needs maintenance just like other aspects of your computer.
A PC cleaner application with registry cleaning tools is a powerful asset. It ensures your registry gets the critical maintenance it needs, without you having to manually mess around in there. It's a great way to keep things clean and tidy, without risking the integrity of your operating system.
How to use it
Registry cleaning isn't an everyday task or even something you need to think about weekly. Pay mind to your registry every month or two, to make sure it's getting general attention. If you do a mass uninstall of programs or thoroughly clean your computer, it's a good idea to run a registry cleaner right after to finish tidying things up.
Cache clearing
Every program on your computer has a cache — a place where temporary data is stored to make running that program easier. Caches are super helpful in speeding up your most-used programs, but over time they can become a burden to your entire operating system when they get too full.
Clearing caches is easy enough, but can take a long time if you're manually going through each program. Free PC cleaner software with a cache clearing tool will save you a ton of time. Just select the programs you want to clear the cache of, click the button and let the program do the work!
How to use it
It's a smart idea to clear your caches weekly, as part of a general maintenance approach. You can also clear your caches if your RAM is under constant duress. It's a good idea to clear internet browsing caches more frequently, since it'll flush out any cookies and other processes running without your knowledge.
Junk and temporary file removal
Junk files can come from all different places. The new program you install might have a bunch of add-ons you never use. A saved iteration of an old file may still be floating around, even though there's a newer version already in use. A corrupted file may be replaced by a better version, but still exist in your system.
The problem with these files is that they're troublesome and hard to locate. They can stall processes, cause confusion when opening a program or just bog down your PC's speed. Free PC cleaning software with the ability to identify and eliminate junk and temporary files is a must-have.
How to use it
Most PC cleaners will identify and eliminate junk files as part of their usual cleaning and tune-up process. But, if you're so inclined, use this feature every month or two. It doesn't need to be frequent, since these programs aren't all too common — just enough to nab them when they do appear.
Malware, spyware and bloatware removal
We all know the dangers of malware, spyware and bloatware — everything from slow computer speeds, to privacy invasion, to identity theft and beyond. The problem is, these malicious programs can come from anywhere and creep deep into your operating system.
Spyware detection and removal is essential for any free PC cleaning software. Make sure the program you're interested in is able to detect even the most deep-rooted malware and weed it out of your system. Moreover, it's a good idea to get software that'll prevent it from coming back.
How to use it
Don't be shy about running a spyware scan every couple of days — even daily if you're an avid downloader. An even smarter option is to set automatic scans for every few days and let your PC cleaner app do its thing in the background.
Virus detection and quarantine
Similar to malware and spyware, viruses are sneaky and can worm their way into your computer without even knowing. They'll cause all sorts of trouble for your operating system and can be nearly impossible to remove the deeper they're embedded. Worse still, there are new viruses being created and deployed every day!
Look for PC cleaning software with robust virus detection properties and a constantly updated database of viruses it scans for. The best PC cleaner apps will alert you to a suspicious file, put it into quarantine, explain the risk and let the user choose what to do. With the click of a button, you can send that virus packing!
How to use it
Most cleaner apps will schedule virus scans once a week. This is usually fine and will keep your computer safe before viruses have a chance to burrow into your operating system. If you're a heavy downloader or do a lot of file sharing, running a scan every few days might not be a bad idea.
Task scheduling
What better way to take advantage of your PC cleaner's features than by scheduling them to run at regular intervals? Scheduling takes the manual aspect out of computer maintenance and puts everything into the hands of your well-established PC cleaner. Other than reviewing the results, you won't have to do anything!
Look for free PC cleaning software with dynamic scheduling capabilities — daily, weekly and monthly, to be specific. This allows you to designate the tasks most important to computer maintenance and schedule them when you need them. It's the ideal way to customize operating system upkeep.
How to use it
This feature offers a lot of options. It's best to schedule generic tasks like basic optimization as daily items. Schedule more infrequent tasks weekly, like virus scans or cache clearing. Monthly tasks should be those that aren't essential to everyday computing, like defragmentation. Play around with scheduling to see what works best for your computer.
Startup item selection
Startup items are convenient for getting your computer up and running quickly. But too many of them can bog down your operating system and cause you frustration. It's best to only have essential tasks and helpers running at launch, or you run the risk of the lengthy, cumbersome startup process.
Your free PC cleaning software should allow you to manage startup items and helps conveniently, from a simple dashboard. Check and uncheck what you want and don't want for a quick fix to a convoluted startup.
How to use it
Manage your startup items every time you install a new program. Most will try to execute their own startup launch process. Again, don't over-clutter your startup with unnecessary items. Stick to the essentials — programs and processes you'll use immediately upon startup.
System optimization tools
System optimization means many things. It's usually just a comprehensive tidying of your operating system, so your computer can run at peak efficiency. It's little adjustments here and there that can make a big difference.
Every PC cleaner will have its own system optimization tools. But some are more effective than others. Make sure you notice real results after running a system optimizer. Programs should launch faster, data should load quicker and your computer should have a little more zip overall.
How to use it
Don't be afraid to use a system optimizer every day or every other day. It's a simple tool that takes seconds to run and won't interfere with your computing. If you have the optimizer scheduled to run in the background, you likely won't even know it's running! You'll experience faster speeds daily.
Live tech support
You'll be surprised at just how few free PC cleaner software applications offer live tech support! Most point you to an FAQ archive or message boards. Try to find a cleaner with someone ready and willing to help you if you're having an issue. Bonus points if they're a native speaker and an actual tech support guru!
How to use it
If you've got a problem you're totally stumped on, call the hotline. It's easier than searching online for symptoms or keywords and trying a one-size-fits all solution. Be sure to describe your issue clearly and let the tech support expert know the full scope of the problem.
Download MyCleanPC
Not only does MyCleanPC have all these essential features, it's easy to use, safe and intuitive! There's no better free PC cleaning software for your computer. You'll notice results immediately after using it, as well as every time it runs a scheduled task in the background. If you're not using it already, it's time to get MyCleanPC!